Thursday, August 15, 2013

Getting Started: Transition Week One

Before we actually hit the road we had two transition weeks. One week in Seattle and one in Grants Pass, Oregon. During that first week we spent the majority of the time wrapping up work projects, house-selling paperwork, and researching a new RV. We also had lots and lots of emotions after leaving Bellingham, so these transition weeks were good for comforting the kid’s tummy aches and such that came from saying goodbye to their friends.

We also had time in to hit up a few of our favorite Seattle spots we wanted to say good-bye to. We had a few fun trips down to Matthew’s beach for lying about in the sun, and watching the kids jump off the dock’s diving board. (So glad that that was added after we moved, as it would have been a daily struggle to keep my toddlers away from it!) We had a day at Pike’s market to eat the chowder, pick up Dungeness crab and Rainer cherries, and drink our fair share of coffee. 

If you look closely, you can see a guy about to nail the belly-flop.

We also had a good chance to reconnect with our old neighbors, and loved spending time with them and hearing how their kids were off on their new adventures. It was a moment to feel old, of course, hearing how the teeny-tiny girl with the big blue eyes that used to come by to play with my kids as a mother’s helper is now interning at a Harvard lab. Her little brother, whom I last remember as sitting on his front porch reading Harry Potter, and being impressed at his reading and that his arms could hold up that big book, is now playing high school football. I have a feeling that these sort of ‘time flies’ moments will be happening more and more, right?

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