Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Bellingham, WA and our Stuff

Saying goodbye to Bellingham and our friends there was hard. We all love that place. It’s picturesque, quirky, and full of good schools and good people. We lived there for less time than we lived in Canada, but felt so much more at home. (Ok, being in our home country helped on that front, I’m sure.)

Bellingham is a rainy sort of place where your kids can walk home safely from the bus stop, and play outside until it's dark out.

Where kids will jump in the lake as soon as it warms up to 65 degrees.

And you never tire of starting or ending your day at the bay.

I knew we'd miss our home and our friends, but I also thought that we’d feel sad basically giving away most everything to start this journey. However, we found great moments of sweetness in times like seeing our dresser/changing table being loaded into the Subaru of the young couple with a baby on the way. The amount of items we donated to support ARC of Washington via Value Village was staggering, but we don’t feel the loss. I think that when the time comes to have the movers unload our belongings we’ll be happy as clams to see our Christmas ornaments, boxes of the kid’s artwork and mementos, and our favorite furniture pieces, but won’t miss the rest of the stuff that filled up our home. Plus, my blender and coffee maker are with me in the RV, which basically covers my material needs.

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